Our Selection of Scale Cockpit Canopies |
We offer a selection of 1:10 Scale clear PETG canopies. The F-16 style canopy was very popular on the early turbine boats and some piston packers too. The canopies were incorporated into the surrounding cockpit areas in many different and unique ways. Later came the common, contemporary egg shaped canopies you see today. We have both types plus a bubble type canopy for the 85 Budweiser and a taller shaped F-16 type used for the 2000 Miss Freei. We also make a custom replacement contemporary canopy that will fit on some of the composite hulls made by West Coast Custom Boats. You can buy any canopy piece separately or we will select the correct canopy for the cowling kit you are buying. If you need a canopy shape we don't have yet, we will give you a quote on what it would cost to create it for you. Some modelers prefer to build using just the clear canopy and mask off the areas that they want to remain clear. After painting, they simply peal off the masking to reveal the clear areas. This gives a smoother finish to the canopy. Others prefer to get a second canopy (usually out of white plastic) to build on to the boat first. They then cut the window areas out of the main canopy and insert the clear canopy on the inside to make the windows. You'll need to let us know how many canopies you want, what type (if different than what would normally go with a cowling kit you order) and whether you want clear or white.